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Pilotage services for Danish Straits and the Baltic Sea

SKAW 1 (inbound)
57 47,5N – 010 46,0E
SKAW 2 (alternative)
57 44,0N – 010 46,0E
56 24,0N – 011 05,0E
54 40,7N – 010 46,2E
54 36,4N – 012 16,0E
54 25,8N – 012 00,0E

- SKAW to GEDSER buoy DW69/DW74 v.v.
(Danish Straits Route Tango)
- SKAW to all BALTIC SEA ports
(Danish Straits Route Tango
& Deep Sea Baltic)
- SKAW to ROSTOCK road buoy DW69E
(Danish Straits Route Tango)
- SKAW to GREAT BELT SOUTH buoy DW58 v.v.
(Kattegat & Great Belt)
- SKAW to THE SOUND Buoy M1 v.v.
- GRENAA buoy C4 to ROSTOCK road buoy DW69E
(Great Belt & Route Tango South)
- GRENAA buoy C4 to GEDSER DW69/DW74 v.v.
(Great Belt & Route Tango South)
- GREAT BELT SOUTH buoy DW58 to GRENAA buoy C4 v.v.
(Great Belt)
- GEDSER buoy DW69/DW74 to GOTHENBURG road
(Danish Straits Route Tango)
- Various roads and pilot stations @ major ports along the Route Tango.
The pilotage distance “SKAW to GEDSER (or beyond Gedser) v.v.”, covers IMO’s recommendation that:
“Vessels with a draft of 11m or more should use a pilot when transiting the Danish Straits via Route Tango”.
The area “Route Tango South” is covering the Fehmarn Belt tunnel construction area between Denmark and Germany, and the VTS area “Fehmarn Belt Traffic”.